

Que vuoi?

Psychoanalysis is particularly suitable when you feel the need to talk, when words are hard to find or when speaking feels difficult. It provides a unique space to explore individual, long-term solutions to personal or relational challenges.

I offer a supportive and confidential space.
Contact: phone +49 (0)30 9485 9441 or e-mail


What is psychoanalysis after S. Freud and J. Lacan?

In psychoanalytic speech, things become visible and thus dynamic. Through the continuous engagement with the unconscious, connections and repetitions become recognizable, which allows for a loosening of rigid structures and bears the potential for making individual identity as well as personal and collective futures tangible and subject to change.

The Frame

Languages: German, English, French

The honorarium cannot be covered through health insurance; it is negotiable.

Professional Ethics: I only work under supervision and adhere to strict ethical guidelines.


Sophia Léonard, Ph.D.
Gormannstraße 14, 10119 Berlin
Tel. +49 (0)30 9485 9441

For any questions or if you would like to schedule a non-binding first appointment, I am available at +49 (0)30 9485 9441 or by E-Mail

Where to find and how to get there

U2 Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz
U8, M8 Rosenthaler Platz
S3,5,7,9 Alexanderplatz + Hackescher Markt